Indonesian Traditional Food

1. Gado Gado 
      Gado gado ia vegetables with peanut sauce, the sauce is spicy, more spicy then sauce used for sate. It is more spicy because it uses more chilies, shrimp paste, brown sugar, and tamarind. There are all chrushed together with peanut sauce. The vegetable are long bean, cabbage, bean sprout, potatoes, which are boiled. It also has cucumbar and lettuce which are boiled. Hard - boiled egg and diya Bean cake are also added. Gado gado is usually eaten with kerupuk and lontong or cookies rice. 


2. Soto Ayam 
    Soto ayam is chiken soup. However, the ingredient are different. It uses fried glass noodle, diced chiken meat, and coconut milk. It is probably enough to eat soto ayam on its owj, altough sometimes people like to have rice or lontong with it.

3. Sate
     Sate is chiken or lamb fillet cut in cubbes of about 2 x 2 cm. They are put / marinated in to the mixture or lime juice, salt, cooking oil, and shallot, chilies, as well as ginger, next they are put on a skewer and grilled over charcoal until meat is done. It is served with peanut sauce or soya bean bean sauce, or other sauce sambal as you like. 


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